grep -v prints non-matching lines
Listing large files
Combine PDFs with Ghostscript
Recent git branches
Use git diff --no-index for regular diffs
Lists files matching pattern in grep, ripgrep with `-l`
Use MySQL command line client to connect to a MySQL instance
How to generate an ISO8601 date using date on macOS
How to create a symbolic link to a directory
`tree -f` prints the full path of a file
Bash pattern to read from standard input or interactively in same program
Execute command on Kubernetes pod
How to grep twice in one pass
Split a file in bash
Append to a file with tee
Integer to hexadecimal in bash
Minify JSON using jq
Total line count of files with certain file ending
SQLite CLI commands
Until in Bash
Truncate a file
json_pp is a JSON pretty printer
`echo $?` returns the exit code of the previous command
open . opens Finder in the current directory